DongYing Innovation Center



DongYing, CN | 山东东营

15,000 SQM 平方米

Architecture & exhibition concept


東營創新中心位於200公頃的濕地公園和綠化帶與市中心的交匯處,是當地政府城市更新項目的一部分,以可持續性和環保為出發點的城市核心區。 創新中心將使用交互式媒體裝置和5D VR來展示城市規劃設計。

Located at the intersection of a 200 hectare Wetland Park and the City centre, DongYing Innovation Center is part of the local government effort to build a more sustainable and greener DongYing. The Innovation Center will use interactive media installation, and 5D VR to showcase the Urban planning Design.